Saturday, May 28, 2011

The next Dark Age of Camelot - hopefully

Hello and welcome you battle hardened nerds!

Are you looking for a new PvP game that will actually hold your attention, offer something unique or provide a certian play style thats up your alley? Stay tuned to here!

After Dark Age of Camelot started to go "down-hill" so to say, I immediately started searching for PvP games similar to it's premise and play style. Unfortunately, in regards to Dark Age of Camelot, there is NO game at this point in time that offers the play style, immersive world, and extremely competitive PvP and RvR system that it provided.

While Dark Age of Camelot is still going strong with far more of a bustling population on the Ywain clusters than forum whiners want to give it credit for - it obviously isn't the same game that it was 9 years ago at release. Fortunately there may be the sun rising on the horizon with Guild Wars 2 being released this November 2011.

Guild Wars 2 staff boasts some of the original creators of what would become the bench mark for what is considered a real PvP game - Dark Age of Camelot. That's right - the folks that designed the old frontier system that had people bursting with realm pride - fighting over relics in massive engrossing battles all night long leaving them hunched over their desks at work the next morning, half asleep - yet ecstatic about crushing the enemy forces and purging them from their frontiers.

Since this era of "great" Dark Age of Camelot we've seen releases of other MMO games trying to bring PvP elements to the table. While I don't want to mention it, World of Warcraft brought a major change to the way that PvP MMO games are played, and what people expect from them. Unfortunately these changes are for the worst and as WoW has brought in a massive amount of players to the once relatively unknown MMO genre - they've never had the chance to experience what MMO veterans would call "real" PvP - and the glory of open world combat, versus sitting in a stupid arena.

It seems the staff at Guild Wars 2 is finally heeding what other companies did not. You can NOT replicate World of Warcraft - so stop trying. This is the reason Warhammer, Aion, and all of the other crap in-between completely failed. A huge amount of subscribers is the product of major advertising campaigns and social popularity - not a quality gaming experience. This is why Dark Age of Camelot still exists as a relatively unknown game, yet is still regarded in every PvP discussion or debate as THE best PvP experience provided this far - and that is not arguable.

Guild Wars 2 realizes how important it is to have 3 Factions in a PvP MMO. This works wonders for balancing which is already a major issue for game companies - as well as addresses population issues. Not to mention - having a third faction adds another element to the fun - fights are not one sided zerg fests, you need to be constantly watching your back as the 3rd faction not present could be incoming at anytime to wipe the floor with both enemy groups presently engaged with each other. Guild Wars 2 will feature a system similar to the 3 factions seen in Dark Age of Camelot, however instead of factions they're 3 different servers.

If its what I'm imagining - there will be little to no point to making another character on a seperate server, so the way that this system works will hopefully work to restore realm - or "server" pride similar to the amazing bonds that were present in Dark Age of Camelot.